Thursday, 27 June 2013

Managed Retreat Issue 1

MR Editorial Check-inThe DivisionRichard MabeyBlues of the Thames Delta - article layout ideasManaged Retreat cover ideasFamous for 5 Miles
Famous for 5 Miles (Dirty)Managed Retreat layout WiPMR layout ideas 1MR layout ideas 2MR layout ideas 4MR layout ideas 5
MR progress June 2013Famous

Managed Retreat Issue 1, a set on Flickr.

The print issue is getting close to release, here's a little preview, with glimpses of layout ideas from the concept design phase - hand-drawn in pencil and electronic using the open source DTP software Scribus (thanks to Graham Burnett for drawing that to my attention).

The official launch is planned for the Eastern Region Permaculture Gathering in Suffolk on the weekend of 14th July, with a thought for another event in Essex at the Railway Hotel in Southend-on-Sea - more information posted here when a date is confirmed.